SIUE Web Radio
Becoming a DJ in SIUe Web Radio allows you to play WHAT you want, WHEN you want. There are (almost) no limitations to the materials that you can broadcast. (You know, besides the obvious things like blatant racism, vulgar topics, things like that.)
You can either fill out the form on this page, or you can fill out a physical form and turn it in to one of the executives of the club. Forms are located in front of the booth in the folder hanging on the window. When you're finished filling it out, tear off the first two pages and put it in the other folder hanging on the window, and you keep the rest for reference.
If you have any questions, feel free to go to our Contact page and send us a message! We usually respond within a week.
In order to become a DJ...
To get clearance for access to the Web Radio Studio, and to also remain in the club after you join, the following is required.
- An application must be filled out and submitted, including
understanding the FCC and Web Radio Booth guidelines
- $10 due for the semester (or $15 a year) must be paid 3 weeks from the beginning of each term
- A show time and show description must be submitted
- Every DJ must get board training with a certified board
Download the DJ application here